Monday, December 10, 2012

O Christmas Tree...

Last night, we decorated our Christmas tree, and I think Isaac and Joel managed to have fun in spite of my resolve to have a "pretty" tree, and Peter's valiant efforts to protect all ornaments from being broken by tiny hands. It's fun to make traditions, and important to make traditions, but I can't help wondering what our traditions will look like in the coming years. Will there be Christmas trees in Brazil? Will my kids grow up thinking that it "just doesn't feel like Christmas" when there's snow on the ground and it's not 90 degrees? It's bittersweet for me to think of leaving life here behind to some extent, but also the opportunity to make new traditions. And maybe a new setting will give our family new ways to celebrate and emphasize the most important Tradition of all - to center Christmas not around trees and caroling and cookies, but around Christ. Much to think about this Christmas season.


  1. Linda, I am processing Christmas much the same way this year. I'm going to do my best to fit an artificial tree and our ornaments in the "must go" category of things we pack, but we will see! I completely lost it the other day because the radio played, "I'll Be Home for Christmas." But at the same time it is an amazing privilege to know we are helping others hear about the amazing miracle of Christmas for the first time! Bittersweet and mixed feelings, definitely.
