Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturdays with the Stuarts

What is "worship"?  Don't worry , I'm not about to write a discourse.  Simply put, it is glorifying God.  But I've been learning that the worship experience transcends the barriers of culture and language.  We have been attending a Brazilian church on Saturday nights, and everything is done in Portuguese.  While we do have English translation available to us, when we sing , we're on our own.  Many of the songs are unfamiliar to Peter and me, and we do our best to sing along , read and pronounce the Portuguese words, and grasp a little of the meaning as our brains struggle to multi-task and read the English translation as well.  For me, singing is a great way to become familiar with language - words flow to a lyrical melody , expressing their meaning in music.  However, when I am in unfamiliar surroundings, taking in so many things at once, it's hard to mentally connect with the words I am saying and focus on the God I am singing to.  But every once in awhile, I catch a glimpse of what it's like to worship in another language.  It is an experience that will enrich and grow us as we continue to learn Portuguese, and explore new words and meanings and how they relate to the One who gave us the gift of language.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beauty in Change

I am happy to say that Isaac, Joel, and I survived the ten days that Peter was away at "Mountain Week" doing extensive training.  It was a long week and a half for everyone, but I know Peter learned a lot and had a great training experience, and the boys and I spent a lot of quality - and quantity - time with friends and did some fun things.  Thanks for your prayers during that time!

We have recently been enjoying peak season here in North Carolina - about a month later than I'm used to, being a Northern girl.  Though I didn't relish the long, hot, humid summer, we are being richly rewarded with a slow, colourful fall.  It IS hard to believe that Thanksgiving is around the corner though!  

One of the things that I will miss when we head to the mission field is this season and all its colours. Yet God is using this time to remind me that there is beauty in change, even while there is sadness in saying goodbye - for a time - to the people and things that we love.  Being here at JAARS has definitely been a time of transition as we look ahead to a major change.  I sometimes tend to focus on the sadness in our change and not the beauty.  Praise God that He sees the complete picture of our stories in all their beauty, as He guides us through seasons of change, sadness, and joy.