Friday, September 13, 2013

Life Lately

Has it really been two months since I last posted?  The best way to describe the second half of our summer is with pictures, so here goes!

This is what our trunk looked like for a month:

 This is what our back seat looked like for a month.  (Okay, they weren't always smiling...)

This is what Saskatchewan looked like - and it FELT like we were driving through it for a month.

Edam, Saskatchewan - We visited Peter's parents and extended family and had a great time!

 Boys and bugs in Spokane, WA

 Kodiak at the STC/Moody hangar in Spokane.

Enjoying some down time in Leavenworth, WA

 More quality boy time!

 Big Montana Sky

 Yep, we had to stop here...

We saw crop dusters three times throughout our travels!

 Peter had fun climbing trees... with saws...

 Family time

 Our new home for the next several months as we go through training at the JAARS center in North Carolina.  Our apartment is the first floor (corner).  

 We are blessed to have good friends here with us - our kids are having a blast together!

 Isaac's new favourite pastime:

My new favourite pastime:

Getting settled in

As always, thank you for your prayers for our family over the last couple months.  We are glad to be off the road, but our time with friends and family during that time was priceless.  I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into our "life lately" - more to come!